What You'll Learn
This course guides leaders beyond traditional performance metrics to incorporate ESG management, emphasizing sustainable development and good governance through real-world case studies and risk analysis. Participants will develop a leadership action plan to enhance sustainability in their businesses, aimed at fostering transformative change and efficiency.
Introduction to the course
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- Welcome and introduction to the course Free preview
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Module 1: Understanding Sustainability
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Module intro
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What is sustainability
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Difference between ESG and CSR
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What is a sustainable finance
- Five Capitals model Free preview
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Planetary boundaries
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Global mega-trends
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Module 2: Environmental Impact
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Module intro
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What is NetZero by 2050
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NetZero - decarbonisation pathway
- Impact of NetZero on Businesses Free preview
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What are the Environmental Impact of organisations
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What is an environmental management system
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Legal and policies
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Fines for breaching the environmental law
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Circular economy
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Case example - science based targets uptake rates
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Summary and sources
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Module 3: Social Impact
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Module intro
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Social responsibility with ISO 26000
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Seven principles of social responsibility
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Seven core subjects of social responsibility
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Stakeholder engagement and materiality assessment
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Process to determine material topics
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Sustainability reporting – standards and frameworks
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Case study - materiality assessment and stakeholder engagement
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Module 4: Economic Growth and Sustainability
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Module intro
- Business case for sustainability Free preview
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Integrating sustainability in the value chain
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Sustainability risk assessment
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Factors that disrupt companies and industries
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Key factors that cause companies to fail
- Carbon pricing Free preview
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Case study - Adapt business models and value chain relationships
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Module 5: Governance - Board's role and actions
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Module intro
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Ethics and sustainability
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Decision-making process
- TNFD standard and reporting Free preview
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Greenwashing risks
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Accountability for green claims
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Board sustainability archetypes
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Case study 1 - CMA investigation into FMCG
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Case study 2 - emissions scandal
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Module 6: Landing Transformative Change with Sustainability
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Module intro
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Case for transformative change – the benefits
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Case for transformative change – global megatrends
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Sustainability-led transformation - stage 1 - design
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Sustainability-led transformation - stage 2 - enabling conditions
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Sustainability-led transformation - stage 1 - leadership
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Action plan - establish sustainability strategy
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Action plan - implementing the sustainability strategy
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Bonus lecture
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